Le nostre sedi in Italia
Una superficie complessiva di 42.000 m2, 46.500 posti pallet a temperatura controllata 15°/25°C e una capacità di 1.702 posti pallet a temperatura controllata 2°/8°C.
Our sites in Italy
A total area of 42,000 m2, 46,500 pallet places at a controlled temperature of 15 ° / 25 ° C and a capacity of 1,702 pallet places at a controlled temperature of 2 ° / 8 ° C.

Cambiago site
A total area of 10,000 m2, 12,500 pallet spaces at a controlled temperature of 15 ° / 25 ° C and a capacity of 102 pallets at a controlled temperature of 2 ° / 8 ° C.
Liscate site
The platform in Liscate (East Milan) has a total area of 15,000 m2 for the climate-controlled storage of pharmaceuticals, parapharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The warehouse is equipped with continuous computerised temperature detection (15°C/25°C). The storage area has a capacity of about 17,000 pallet spaces, with four cold rooms for controlled temperature storage +2°/+8°C.

Our facilities are all equipped with multilevel anti-intrusion systems and are equipped with external and internal sensors with attached video surveillance.
The whole system is connected with a 24/7 private surveillance service.
Fire-fighting systems, anti-smoke and anti-seismic

Contact us
+39 02 95 06 981
Monday— Friday: 8:30 AM — 5:30 PM
Via XXV Aprile 56, Cambiago